Monday, 5 October 2015

I ask a simple question to my heart that do I have enough faith in Christ as Christian. Because Abraham in Old Testament, he show his faith incredible When God called him to offer his only beloved so as a burnt offering to him. Obediently Abraham went though probably with a heavy heart, to fulfill God’s plan. He had three days to change his mind, but he did not waver. His faith and trust in God was so incredible that when it was time to go along with his son, up the mount, he promised his servant, that he will come back. A faith like this is rarely found in the 21st century. I feel that God tells us to build our faith like Abraham. And we need to be always faithful to God.

God’s blessings…
I experience God’s blessing everyday in my life. Do we all experience God’s fabulous blessing in our lives everyday? We know that God has given us such beautiful hands, legs, ears, eyes, hair and so on. We need to think about others, those who do not have them. Many times we take this gifts for granted and we do not respect our on body parts or we don’t use them carefully. God tells us everyday to use our body well and also the  other gifts that God has given me and you. So this life comes from God and we need be grateful each and every moment of our lives.

Our dear God speaks with everyone in the world. But do we all hear or experience his voice in our life?
God gives us the choice to listen or not to. Many times we think how to expect God to speak to us? We know that God can speak through visions, signs and wonders. We can also hear his voice in the simple things in life, in the joy and laughter of children, in the love of family and friends, or liturgical ceremonies of the church, in quiet reading of the scriptures and even He can speak to us through our flaws and limitations.  He asks us to improve our mistakes. If we choose not to listen to his voice then he can do any things. And the loss will be ours.

I am often struck by some people’s behaviors in church during Mass and after it, in place of worship and outside. There is a stark difference. In there, people are so pious and holy, but when they go outside, something extremely changes. Sometime I wonder if he was the same person whom I saw in the church who was praying well. Suddenly when he comes out of the church he was totally different. Sometimes behavior speaks well in a person. We can not go inside of human heart and check what is happening within human heart? So, as Christian we need to give good example to every one by behaving well with very one.  

When I think to today culture there is very less respect for the women in our society because of this we see in our daily life women are treated as things. My thought goes back to my childhood when I was small I had very great respect for my mother and sister and our ladies those who were our neighbors. Not only me, many people around me. I still have great respect for women but when I think about my surroundings I feel very bad because many female goddesses are worshiped. In the Vedas, women are glorified as mother means one who can create and nourish a life. Time is the real eyewitness of all the sufferings (like sex discrimination, exploitation, oppression, aggression, degradation, humiliation, etc) on the helpless women.

Soaked in the love of God
When people are soaked in the love of God, they get totally filled with God’s life and become other-oriented, like Christ himself. They become holy, loving, and calm, compassionate, composed, self-giving and so on. Many people’s lives are centered on dressing, parties, entertainment. No love is found in our life because we are caught up with the material world. We do not experience God’s love in our life. So we hardly do what God tell us to do?  When we do not want to do things on God’s way, surely our lives would be difficult.

“Making meaning in life is much more important than making money” Henry ford’s words
I know everyone wants in their life to earn money, build institutions, or store treasures, but we know that most important things in life is being a good human. The money may perhaps help you to buy a nice some beautiful clothes for your burial, or some luxurious car, or some mobiles, but it will not give a peace of mind, or love, compassion, unity, and so on. We know that we may build good institutions, but one day it will collapse. But whatever love we have shared with people around us it will remain forever in their hearts, they will keep you alive forever.

To bring change in the world we need to be better human beings, to care about our environment as well as our earth also dare for it and feel for it. We do not have any right to destroy the peace on the earth; we cannot even lead people on a wrong path and make their lives miserable. So we need to be a good human being in our lives to bring change in the world.

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